ترجمة اغنية

Kiros كل ترجمة اغنية

Justen Other Day ترجمة اغنية Lyrics Justen Other Day ترجمة كلمات اغنية

you blow me away
shaken i awaken to find another day
you startle me
motivation declaration i say
i say i believe
cause when i think about the chances that i’ve blown
i swear i’ll never fail again
and when i think about the things that i’ve been shown
this secret i just can’t retain
if i had a quarter for every time i walked away
said today’s not the day it will still be okay
i’d be rich in money poor in what counts
the world offers trivial amounts

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على هدية تي شيرت Kiros مشاركة لنا في وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية