ترجمة اغنية

The Speed Of Sound In Seawater كل ترجمة اغنية

You Bite Down ترجمة اغنية Lyrics You Bite Down ترجمة كلمات اغنية

You bite down
please let go

your jaws crack bone,
drink marrow

Listen here, assailing Lichen,
I’m leaning towards dislikin’
your clan
all those half beast half man

submit, just quit
concede to the pain that emits
from every inch of flesh I bit
be rid of your mortal skin

I awoke on a hardwood floor,
the door, ajar, framed a view of the moors
where the night before
you were reborn

Immortality at such small cost
so you have to kill a few men?
Well the gain outweighs the loss

We still don’t see eye to eye
you’d have me kill I’d rather die
you call this a gift?
I call it hell to live with

You are a terrible
perspective clouded werewolf
surrender your fangs

you’re docile and tame
what is this pet I’ve made?

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