ترجمة اغنية

Tobin Sprout كل ترجمة اغنية

Sadder Than You ترجمة اغنية Lyrics Sadder Than You ترجمة كلمات اغنية

Strong ones at last
And they’re ones
That never hold out
Sad ones at last
And they’re ones
That always can feel

Sadder than anyone’s ever known
Sadder than anyone’s ever been
Sadder than anyone’s ever shown
Sadder than you

Try it on to yours,
You’re the only one
Who’ll take you out of here
I found a nurse
That could lift you up
To make you unappear

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على هدية تي شيرت Tobin Sprout مشاركة لنا في وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية