ترجمة اغنية

Tobin Sprout كل ترجمة اغنية

The Last Man Well Known To Kingpin ترجمة اغنية Lyrics The Last Man Well Known To Kingpin ترجمة كلمات اغنية

Madcaps and laughs
Syd Barrett
The last man well known to kingpin
Madcaps and laughs
Syd Barrett
But what’s in a name?

Friday June 23rd
The troubadour
Friday June 23rd

Madcaps and laughs
Syd Barrett
Everyone wants to be kingpin
Syd Barrett
So bare it
But what’s in a name?

Friday June 23rd
The troubadour
Friday June 23rd

Shangrila wrecker
Shangrila wrecker
Shangrila wrecker
Madcaps and laughs, so bare it
Shangrila wrecker
Everyone wants to be kingpin

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