ترجمة اغنية

William Control كل ترجمة اغنية

Epilogue ترجمة اغنية Lyrics Epilogue ترجمة كلمات اغنية

So there he lies at the last
The deathbed convert
The pious debauchee
Could not dance half a measure could I?
Give me wine
I drain the dregs
And toss the empty bottle at the world
Show me our Lord Jesus in agony
And I mount the cross
And steal his nails for my own palms
There I go
Shuffling from the world
My dribble fresh upon a bible
I look upon a pinhead and I see angels dancing
Well, do you like me now?
Do you like me now?
Do you like me now?

إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على هدية تي شيرت William Control مشاركة لنا في وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية