10 Fight For Deliverance
(lyrics by Ben Sotto)

Fear, fear’s reaching my heart,
When silence’s reigning in the dark,
Powers are in my hand,
To fight to delivrance.

I know that the time has come,
To try to kill him, here I come,
Revenge’s falling on hell,
I fight for delivrance.

Oh I’m riding throught the night,
Searching for the way to come back to life,
But it’s so far,
So long to cross,
The quest is hard,
Hard as my force.

Right now till kingdom come,
From here from far beyond,
Shadows are guiding me on my way,
To fight for freedom and life.

Fight for right.


Mirror, oh mirror,
Reflect me once again.

Mirror oh mirror,
Can’t you see my face.

But the anger and fire,
carry on my way.

Master, oh master,
I’m calling you away.

To defeat my pain,
Illusion, illusion.

Mirror, oh mirror,
Reflect me once again.

Mirror oh mirror,
Can’t you see his face.

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