[Part I: The Loss]*

"What have united us in joy,
Separates us in misery"

[Part II: Revenge]

Now I’m here all alone,
staring at your sacred grave
My dreams and my hopes...
They’re all gone with your last breath

Not your voice or your laugh,
I will ever hear again
To watch you grow, becoming strong...

Is an honor I won’t get

Oh my son, my dear son,
why your flesh and not mine?
Over your burial ground,
the promise of my mourning heart

I will ride against the cross
and their army of lies
Every drop of your blood
they will pay with their lives.

"Revenge shall be mine"

Toda la informacion sobre Procession (Chl). Biografia, letras de canciones, fotografias, discografia, noticias, curiosidades, etc. Letra White Coffin - Procession (Chl) con vídeo musical para escuchar la canción